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6th Dartford Scouts

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New to the Scouts Section?


Scouts Section is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years. A young person can come in to the Troop at 10 and may stay until they are 14.5 years old. The Scout Troop is the third and final Section in the Scout Group before they then, join an Explorer unit. At 18 they will move onto Network.

The Scout Association offers everyday adventure and activity to almost 499,000 young people across the UK. The Movement is the largest co-educational youth organisation in the world, with over 28 million Members in 216 countries and territories. Scouts is a uniformed organisation and is worldwide. Although we do not always wear our uniform, there are times when you will be expected to do so.

Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme. "Participation" rather than meeting set standards is the key approach and for the Scout who wants to be recognised for his or her achievements there are a number of Challenges Awards and Activity Badges. They will be working towards the chief scout GOLD award. Scouts take part in a balanced programme that helps them to find out about the world in which they live, encourages them to know their own abilities and the importance of keeping fit and helps develop their creative talents. It also provides opportunities to explore their own values and personal attitudes.

Being outdoors is important and half the Programme is given over to taking part in both the traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking as well as the wide range of adventurous activities, anything from abseiling to yachting. Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, participating fully in the adventure and opportunities of life. You will be expected to take part and have a go in all activities that we do. We work as a team. For many of you, you will have moved up from the Cub Pack. Cubs, is very similar to Scouts except we will design our programme around your age range. This means it will be more challenging and of course more fun!

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Dartford District Carnival  2011
Our very own twin Monkeys...Morgan and Bryn
A fairly tidy girls tent
A Mess Tent!
Attempting a Swimmers Staged Badge
Patrol Tents
Timon and King Mufasa
First Breakfast
Dinner in a camp oven
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