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6th Dartford Scouts

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CampfireScout logo Archery Climbing Climbing Climbing

Chair's chatter


I am the current Chair of the Group Executive Committee. I initially got involved in volunteering at 6th Brent Scouts when my son joined the Cromwell Cubs. First as an occasional helper, taking turns on the parent rota to help out at evening meetings, then joining in fundraising events and weekend camps. I've been to a few Family camps which has also been a great way to have fun and get to know the young people, their families and the leaders in a more relaxed, family centred environment. I hadn't camped since I was a teenager! I was very pleased to be asked to take on the role of Chair of the Group Executive Committee in 2019.

The 6th Brent have Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers sections meeting weekly and are forever expanding. Currently, we have 2 Beaver colonies, 2 Cub packs, and 2 Scout troops. We also have 1 Explorer unit which is run in partnership with the District and is continuing to attract growing numbers of young people who wish to continue their scouting journey. 

This past year has been a little different to say the least! One minute, groups were all happily meeting in the hall on a weekly basis, and then Covid-19 stopped us in our tracks. But actually, it didn't. It meant we had to change the way we met and the activities we completed. Thanks to social media, our young people have had the opportunity to continue with weekly meetings, via virtual means and have enjoyed taking part in various activities such as treasure hunts, quizzes and camps. This goes to show how inventive and resilient our leaders and young people are.

Scouting brings so many benefits to young people and our group is a safe and friendly environment for them to make new friends, grow in confidence and take part in fun activities such as team games, badge work, hikes, and visits out. They can also develop new skills - whether that's something like cooking, fire lighting, wood carving or teamwork and leadership skills. Occasionally, we invite external guests into our weekly meetings to provide specialist learning experiences. There's even the opportunity to go on exciting camp adventures!

Come and be a part of the fun! There are opportunities for everyone - for young people to join our sections and for parents/carers wishing to volunteer their much needed and appreciated help in various ways. I've met some amazing young people and adults, particularly through volunteering at 6th Brent Scout Group. Everyone is welcome! Just get in touch, we are waiting to hear from you!

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Random photos

Topaz sailing boats
Meal time
Camp Timetable
Getting ready for our group photo....
Boats in Tow
Rafiki or is is Martin
Our theme......The Lion King
On the beach
Nachos for lunch
First Days Briefing
Table service
Our very own twin Monkeys...Morgan and Bryn
Cheese boards
A Mess Tent!
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