Rememberance Parade & Service
9th November 2014
Remembrance Day 2014 holds a special significance as this year as we commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the start of the First World War and remember the thousands who died during the conflict.
Therefore the group has taken the decision to attend both Dartford's and Stones Services.
We would hope that you can attend both services (we only have two parades per year) but expect you to at least one to show your respect.
Dartford 's Service
We have been invited to attend the Service of Remembrance at the War
Memorial, Central Park, Dartford, on Sunday 9th November 2014 at 10.40am.
We have been asked to be in place by 10.20am but to ensure that we are all
together, it is advisable that groups form up as soon as they arrive, leaving
perhaps one leader in Market Street to direct their members.
The service will be followed by the march past. The parade will form up outside
Boots in the High St. and proceed via Market Street to the War Memorial, where
the Mayor will take the salute.
Please ensure that your Beavers, Cubs & Scouts are wearing SMART uniform, with
plenty of warm clothes underneath. It will be a good idea to have your breakfast first
Stone Parish's Service
We have been invited to attend the Service of Remembrance at the War
Memorial, Recreation Ground, on Sunday 9th November 2014 at 3pm.
We have been asked to be in place by 2.30pm in the rec car park at the top as normal. (Parade starts at 2.45)
The service will be followed by the march past.
Please ensure that your Beavers, Cubs & Scouts are wearing SMART uniform, with
plenty of warm clothes underneath.
After the March Past, refreshments will be served and live music performed at Stone Pavillion, and the Mayor will be pleased if you would join him there.